2nd Chance University
We are Not Selling programs, We are offering Solutions
You Need Us Because Of What We Do!
2nd Chance University serves youths and adults deserving a second chance
Our Environment
Our life-changing programs were created, developed, and implemented by those who have experienced the trauma of being inside the walls of prison.
Each member of our instructional staff gained the tools required to overcome roadblocks, internal as well as external, while forging their own successful path to personal empowerment.
Our Programs
Our programs take a pro-social worldview and advanced curriculum to develop character, leadership, and empowerment as participants secure the skills necessary to secure meaningful employment and the tools to advance.
Through the guidance of criminal justice administrators, facilitators, parole officers, inmates, and parolees, 2nd Chance University partners with organizations, penal institutions, and community-minded companies to bring intensive and life-changing programs for three distinct audiences:
Youth Reintegration and Empowerment, designed for ages 12 to 17 years
Youth Reintegration and Empowerment offering the 12 – 17 year old who has fallen off their path. We present a proactive method to regain Commitment, Hope, and Empowerment. This turnkey program partners with brick and mortar facilities and is customized to parallel with academic goals and objectives within the facility
Adult Alternatives to Incarceration, designed for young adults ages 17 to 24
Adult Alternatives to Incarceration allowing the 17 – 24 year old low-level offender to reestablish their path to freedom and success. This proven program partners with Judges, District Attorneys, and community-sponsored organizations to offer an option for those who have stumbled.
Adult pre- and post-release Empowerment Programs, designed for ages 18 to 80
Adult pre- and post-release bringing reality front and center. Built by former convicts who have been through pre- and post-release programs, game-playing is not part of the equation. For those committed to keeping freedom, there are no more effective programs to show convicts what it takes to stay on the path, to secure and keep a job, and to believe in themselves.
How To Implement Our Divisionary Programs
Stand-alone * Turnkey * Supporting Partnership * Train the Trainer
2nd Chance University partners with organizations/institutions dedicated to those who have stumbled. Our material and workshops take advantage of real people, real life, and real issues.
Recidivism isn’t new, our approach is.
Format of Program Core Product
Each program follows a similar core format:
- Hard print and/or digital friendly
- Individualized train-the-trainer two-day seminar
- Up to Eighteen book courseware with additional facilitator guide
- Each participant receives a journal for confidential entries and affirmations
- Three, six, eighteen months in duration(customized based upon facility need and scope)
Our platform, curriculum, and methodologies are best-practice tested and revolves around Trauma Informed-Care, Looking Back Glass-theory, empowerment, relationship building, conflict management, behavioral modification, and consciousness consequence.
Who is 2nd Chance University
Facilitator Training
2nd Chance University offers facilitator training at our Florida headquarters or at your location of choice.
Our Curriculum
CHE Quotient
Behavior is a consequence of attitude, mental, psychological, and emotional maturity.
2nd Chance University developed a longitudinal method to measure Commitment, Hope, and Empowerment progression.
With gained insight, participants measure their CHE Quotient and are soon living the life they believe will become a reality.
By evaluating mindset progression on a weekly basis, we are given a unique view into probable next steps, personally and professionally, optimizing results where the two meet.
Key concepts including affirmation, visualization, consciousness consequence, and responsibility are the fundamentals centering the CHE Quotient.
Why Partner with 2nd Chance University?

Evidence-Based, Proven Results

Solutions Provided
Over a two-year period 70% of our graduates secured employment, the number one key to reducing recidivism
We guide participants to become a productive community member at less than 10% of what it costs to incarcerate
Structured 18-book curriculum with inclusive facilitator guide directs progression toward an evidence-based destination
Educating, Employing, and Empowering the justice-involved means less crime, breaking the convict cycle, and keeping families together
- More than 70 million people have criminal records indexed by the FBI
- Nearly one-third of the adult working age population has a criminal record
- Researchers estimate by age 23 nearly one in three Americans will have been arrested
- Four out of every five individuals leaving prison return at some point in the future
- 44 percent of all released will be re-incarcerated within 18 months meaning a multi-million dollar waste of money, lives, and dreams
- The problem is epidemic and not isolated to one demographic, as a result our programs are divided into three distinct categories
- 14 – 17 year old who has drifted and needs to get back on the right path
- 17 – 24 year old low-level offender rebuilding freedom after stumbling and in need of a formal alternative to incarceration
- 18 – 80 year old incarcerated adult returning from incarceration or jail striving to become a productive member of the community
We are expanding across the United States and encourage partnerships with like-minded organizations/institutions needing a structured and evidence-based program. I encourage a moment of your time to discuss how joining forces will decrease convict recycling, save a great deal of tax dollars, and bring our communities together in a safe environment.
- Do nothing and nothing changes or
- Join forces with 2nd Chance University to empower and break the chains of reentry

- Provide life changing services to youth offenders and individuals in an alternative to incarceration program as well as pre/post release employment-driven workshops for those re-entering the free world.
Have an Active Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap to Reach Your Goals
Eliminate convict recycling, increase public safety, and slash taxpayer spending to a fraction by joining forces with organizations and institutions across the United States