Evidence-Based, Proven Results

2nd Chance University’s evidence-based programs, workshops, and course-ware incorporate life-changing applications grounded by trauma informed care and holistic best-practices to break the cycle of recidivism.

In 2012, 2nd Chance University built the foundation for Christian HELP and the Central Florida Jobs Initiative to empower and employ the homeless. Our unique platform brings hope for a brighter future while empowering the disenfranchised closer to personal and professional success.

Proven Results

Numbers over the first two years:

  • 485 total participants
  • 384 completed the course successfully (79%)
  • 253 participants placed (66%)

Since 2012 our programs expanded to audiences throughout Florida and Texas. Recognizing no two demographics are the same, we modified workshops to address the unique needs of the justice involved on a local, regional, and national scale — a natural extension of our commitment to progressing the world.

Evidence-Based Results

Solutions Provided

Through the guidance of criminal justice Solutions Providedadministrators, facilitators, parole officers, inmates and parolees, 2nd Chance University brings aggressive and interactive workshops for three audiences:

Audience: Youth Reintegration and Empowerment for the 14 – 17 year old focusing on getting our youth back on the right path.

Audience: Adult Alternatives to Incarceration allowing the 17 – 24 year old low-level offenders rebuild freedom and success without the proverbial monkey on their back.

Audience: Adult pre- and Post-Release Series providing life and job skills for the incarcerated transitioning back into the community.

2ndChance University turn-key programs

  • save money,educate empower employ
  • reduces recidivism,
  • and builds communities

by Educating, Empowering, and Employing the justice-involved.

Saves Money:

  • Incarceration averages $31,000+ annually per inmate
  • 2nd Chance University is less than $10.00 per day per participant, under 1% the current cost to house an inmate

Reduces Recidivism:

  • If unemployed, 76.6% of convicts are rearrested within five years of release
  • 2nd Chance University’s programs reduce recidivism by providing participants the tools to succeed personally and professionally
    • Recidivism rates for those placed in jobs shortly after release averages 5%

Builds Communities:

  • The RAND Corporation found that for every dollar spent on education, between four and five dollars are saved because of lower incarceration costsBuilds Communities
  • 2nd Chance University’s programs provide hope for a future through empowerment, self-esteem, and trauma-informed care
    • The Manhattan Institute confirmed work reduces recidivism: employed ex-offenders are significantly less likely to commit future crimes

Together we will build a better tomorrow, today.

Win Win

2nd chance university Recidivism isn't new, our approach is

Graduates succeed which means we all win: decreased recidivism, broken chains, stronger families, and safer communities while saving millions of taxpayer dollars.

2nd Chance University participants undergo a fundamental psychological and behavioral paradigm shift through our innovative course-ware measured by our proprietary Commitment, Hope, and Empowerment (CHE) Quotient.

  • Immediate taxpayer savings: Under $5.00/day per offender
  • Evidence based: Delivering proven results, boasting a 79% completion rate—and of these, 66% earning gainful employment
  • Turn-key: With train-the-trainer sessions, facilitator guide and support, smooth launch and operations ready within weeks

2cu transparent logo Contact us at (407) 878-0474

HVAC TA Logo with Yellow Letering

We Have A New Partner!

2nd Chance University has partnered with HVAC Technical Academy.

To learn more about opportunities at HVAC Technical Academy click on the HVAC TA Logo

Alternative to Incarceration

alternative to incarceration

Pre and Post Release

pre and post release

Your Employment

youth empowerment

Evidence-Based Proven

Evidence-Based Results


I am so proud of myself!!! Couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do. I did grow enormously!!   Lou


Dear Mr. Huffman; I am speechless! I want to thank you so much for your help and support and also to push me to the limit. 

Thank you a thousand times!

Sincerely, Carolina Mancipe


I have three job offers as of this morning! Just not sure which direction I want to go. They all told me to let them know by next week!”

CFJI Graduate Linnette


Matt Darby Volunteer & Resource Coordinator   Zeynep Portway  (December 2014) via Central Florida Jobs Initiative “I wanted to let you know that I have accepted a position with Starlight. I know the education and confidence that your program instilled in me was the key factor for me getting this job.”

From a recent program graduate.


2nd Chance University hits the mark by developing programs for the justice involved centering around trauma informed care, respect, and empathy.”

Scott Matthew, MBA Executive Director,

Juvenile Services / Williamson County, Texas


I was at work when I got your message… I was doing the “happy dance” at my desk…  🙂 Thanks for being a great mentor  !!!!

Elsa De Jesus