Another busy week for 2nd Chance University as we prepare for our January launch…

Here’s what’s happening for the week:

CareerSource Central Florida

Therin Short, from the Ocoee CareerSource location, visited our facility on Tuesday, 26th. Being a partner with CareerSource Central Florida is an honor and privilege 2nd Chance University takes with great pride…The purpose of the visit was to review our process, classroom, and gain an overall impression. All is a solid go as our classroom, lab, and outdoor hands-on area are ready.

HVAC Technical Academy

Catching you up, 2nd Chance University, a nonprofit dedicated to eliminating convict recycling, is working with HVAC Technical Academy to bring HVAC Service Technician training to Central Florida. The program is intense and graduates of this 6-week program will be HVAC Service Technician work ready. Employers are looking forward to recruit amongst our graduates so if you are looking for a career in the HVAC industry, January is just around the corner.

AARP Foundation Workforce Programs

Represented by Valerie Hudgins, visited our facility on the 27th. The program offered through AARP Foundation Workforce Programs is devoted to employing our 50+ year old community members. We are proud to be a guest host for the program and look forward to progressing the relationship. Will keep you up to date as next week we plan on interviewing folks through the workforce program.

Tomorrow I will be visiting the CareerSource group led by Gustavo Henriquez in the Leesburg area. As I have yet to travel that far north in a while, no doubt looking forward to the trip and the opportunity to bring 2nd Chance University to the community.

For those interested in an HVAC path, reach out to your CareerSource branch, 2nd Chance University, or HVAC Technical Academy (407-878-0474) for enrollment information. I also encourage you to visit our websites for more information.