Grew up eye-shot of La Tuna, Federal Correctional Institution, in Vinton, Texas. Living close enough to be part of the environment, I wondered what it was like to be on the inside.


several years into the future, I became a 16-year old outfielder with a
family organized softball team. Scheduled to play against several
prison (trustee) teams, we were given the privilege to go inside.

Frightened as our van approached for the first time, this 16-year old
imagined hardened muggers, killers, rapists, and all around monsters.
No doubt television and culture told me what to expect… I drank the juice.

Too often, reality and truth simply does not mean the same thing. I spoke to several of the monsters on the inside and before long, socially twisted perceptions was replaced with “how could I have gotten it so wrong?”

Backed by a lineage of family, direct and indirect, seeing both sides
of freedom, I knew the men and women who have stumbled needed more than
social/cultural/employment stigma. Over the years I’ve worked with many
on the inside and found their self-perception generally accepted their
lives and futures to be fated by loss and failure… where mirror’s
reflection is empty of Hope.

Close to 20 years ago I got involved with a company which produced
professional development courseware and programs. Though designed for
the executive, I knew this was a stepping stone to bridge my path
alongside those who have been misplaced along their way.

In 2003 I began the groundwork for 2nd Chance University
but timing (and money) prevented progress. Leaping to 2012, Christian
HELP and the Central Florida Jobs Initiative provided a medium to
perfect my program and provide an evidence-based system.

Numbers were more than impressive but something was lacking. Upon
pushing, was informed these two organizations disqualified those with a
justice-involved background from the program I developed.

Months later, we parted ways. At that time, necessity dictated an

Educate Employ Empower

onward throttle to customize a program for those needing support, guidance, and tools to gain Commitment, Hope, and Empowerment.

Will continue on what happened next shortly. Until then, be kind, be the key,


2cu transparent logo Contact us at (407) 878-0474

HVAC TA Logo with Yellow Letering

We Have A New Partner!

2nd Chance University has partnered with HVAC Technical Academy.

To learn more about opportunities at HVAC Technical Academy click on the HVAC TA Logo

Alternative to Incarceration

alternative to incarceration

Pre and Post Release

pre and post release

Your Employment

youth empowerment

Evidence-Based Proven

Evidence-Based Results


I am so proud of myself!!! Couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do. I did grow enormously!!   Lou


Dear Mr. Huffman; I am speechless! I want to thank you so much for your help and support and also to push me to the limit. 

Thank you a thousand times!

Sincerely, Carolina Mancipe


I have three job offers as of this morning! Just not sure which direction I want to go. They all told me to let them know by next week!”

CFJI Graduate Linnette


Matt Darby Volunteer & Resource Coordinator   Zeynep Portway  (December 2014) via Central Florida Jobs Initiative “I wanted to let you know that I have accepted a position with Starlight. I know the education and confidence that your program instilled in me was the key factor for me getting this job.”

From a recent program graduate.


2nd Chance University hits the mark by developing programs for the justice involved centering around trauma informed care, respect, and empathy.”

Scott Matthew, MBA Executive Director,

Juvenile Services / Williamson County, Texas


I was at work when I got your message… I was doing the “happy dance” at my desk…  🙂 Thanks for being a great mentor  !!!!

Elsa De Jesus