In today’s political and over-ambushed scene, treading the sensitive has taken on new
and unbalancing dimensions.

All deserve to be treated humanely and with dignity
Even the invisible deserve dignity

For the justice-involved, recognizing their
mental, emotional, and psychological landscape can be a huge step away from
recidivism and leaps closer to safer streets.

Dose of Reality

2nd Chance University is about preparing those who have stumbled with the tools to succeed. With this in mind, the topic of sensitivity needs to be addressed. Partnering with triangulation, let’s take a look at treading the sensitive from three perspectives.

From the justice-involved:

  • Any miss-step could mean revocation and a return
    to prison
  • Being released does not equate to instant
    freedom, physically, emotionally, or psychologically
  • Typically an “out to get me” view where choices bombard, forcing vertigo with reckless

From the employer:

  • How do I interview someone convicted of a crime
  • What will other employees think if I hire a
    convict, is it fair, is it safe
  • Is hiring a felon the right thing to do or
    should I just close my eyes from it all and pretend I am doing the right thing
    by discriminating against those who have stumbled

From the community:

  • Let those who have been incarcerated remain and
  • Don’t want anyone who has a record in my
  • Those who have stumbled cannot be trusted,
    believed, or are capable of recovery

When it comes to treading the sensitive, those who have
stumbled have lived the life and will continue to do so until their dying days.
Granted, some are not deserving of second chances but all deserve to be treated humanely and with dignity.

In order to become a productive member of the community,
those who have stumbled must understand not only the above perspectives, but
must also develop tools to overcome those obstacles… this is the mission at 2nd
Chance University.

2nd Chance University partners with
organizations/institutions dedicated to those who have stumbled. Our material
and workshops take advantage of real people, real life, and real issues.

I welcome your stories to be added into our series. If
you chose to share or support, email me directly. For those wishing to
introduce 2CU and our programs into an organization, institution, or facility,
please step forward; together we can make a difference.

Danny Huffman

2cu transparent logo Contact us at (407) 878-0474

HVAC TA Logo with Yellow Letering

We Have A New Partner!

2nd Chance University has partnered with HVAC Technical Academy.

To learn more about opportunities at HVAC Technical Academy click on the HVAC TA Logo

Alternative to Incarceration

alternative to incarceration

Pre and Post Release

pre and post release

Your Employment

youth empowerment

Evidence-Based Proven

Evidence-Based Results


I am so proud of myself!!! Couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do. I did grow enormously!!   Lou


Dear Mr. Huffman; I am speechless! I want to thank you so much for your help and support and also to push me to the limit. 

Thank you a thousand times!

Sincerely, Carolina Mancipe


I have three job offers as of this morning! Just not sure which direction I want to go. They all told me to let them know by next week!”

CFJI Graduate Linnette


Matt Darby Volunteer & Resource Coordinator   Zeynep Portway  (December 2014) via Central Florida Jobs Initiative “I wanted to let you know that I have accepted a position with Starlight. I know the education and confidence that your program instilled in me was the key factor for me getting this job.”

From a recent program graduate.


2nd Chance University hits the mark by developing programs for the justice involved centering around trauma informed care, respect, and empathy.”

Scott Matthew, MBA Executive Director,

Juvenile Services / Williamson County, Texas


I was at work when I got your message… I was doing the “happy dance” at my desk…  🙂 Thanks for being a great mentor  !!!!

Elsa De Jesus