In two weeks, HVAC Technical Academy will be offering another 6-week HVAC program to get you into a high-demand HVAC Career.

Companies are hiring, NOW!

HVAC Career NowOur graduates get job offers… period. Recognized within the industry, our teachers, administrators, and complete staff are dedicated to your success.

Recent graduates say it best

  • The book to choose your path was very well laid out and prepares you for the real world
  • Absolutely would recommend this program to others
  • I enjoyed the welcoming relaxed culture and atmosphere that gave me a comfortable learning experience
  • I loved that he had real world HVAC CEO’s come and talk to us and explain what they expected from us

For those thinking about entering a high-demand HVAC career, HVAC Technical Academy prepares you in six weeks while the seventh week is Universal EPA Certification dedicated.

Enrollment for the July 12th HVAC Technical Academy 6-week program start is open…

If you have any questions, reach out via phone or email ( or

2nd Chance University
HVAC Technical Academy
