HVAC Career NowEvery day IS a Do Day at HVAC Technical Academy. Partnering to get students prepared by doing, students know today is not just another day!

HVAC: Up Close and Personal

  • Within the first week, students get up close and personal with industry expectations in a hands-on way
  • Diagnosing air handler issues, students open systems, examine components, and test parts such as blower motor, thermostat low-voltage wiring, boards, and everything in between
  • Today was also a day dedicated to reading and evaluating capacitors, discussing types and purposes

HVAC Career NowWeek one hands on begins day one. Here, every day is dedicated to DOING…. That’s our promise to you.

Looking to get into a high-in-demand career, HVAC Technical Academy is your quickest, most efficient way to get there… reach out today for our October program start (with a maximum of ten students allowed, get your seat early) by calling or emailing today.

HVAC Technical Academy
