They call me Mr. BrazeRecognizing one of the essential talents HVAC technicians MUST have is in the field of brazing, we get flames on and jitters out of the way fast.

They Call Me Mr. Braze

Not bad for a first time… or is it?

All participants get involved within the skills of torch safety and use. Earlier today we were introduced to condenser fan motor swapping by breaking down condensers, examining components, and getting the job done. Not a bad way to learn the HVAC skill set… by DOING!

  • Six-week adult workshop, a fast track to HVAC success
  • Results come from doing… and that’s exactly what we are all about.
  • Universal 608 EPA Certification is not just about passing a test, without the know-how of performing, you could be lost.

We are a hands-on workshop facility located in Sanford, Florida, where “Learn by Doing” defines our approach to get YOU on a path to personal AND professional success. Background friendly, HVAC Technical Academy partnered with 2nd Chance University to assist ALL desiring personal and professional success.

HVAC Technical Academy