Contact us at (407) 878-0474
“2nd Chance University hits the mark by developing programs for the justice involved centering around trauma informed care, respect, and empathy.” Scott Matthew, MBA Executive Director, Juvenile Services / Williamson County, Texas
I am so proud of myself!!! Couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do. I did grow enormously!! Lou
I was at work when I got your message… I was doing the “happy dance” at my desk… 🙂 Thanks for being a great mentor !!!! Elsa De Jesus
“I have three job offers as of this morning! Just not sure which direction I want to go. They all told me to let them know by next week!” CFJI graduate Linnette
Matt Darby Volunteer & Resource Coordinator Zeynep Portway (December 2014) via Central Florida Jobs Initiative “I wanted to let you know that I have accepted a position with Starlight. I know the education and confidence that your program instilled in me was the key factor for me getting this job.” From a recent program graduate.
Dear Mr. Huffman; I am speechless! I want to thank you so much for your help and support and also to push me to the limit. Thank you a thousand times! Sincerely, Carolina Mancipe