by Danny | Feb 6, 2024 | 2nd Chance University: Empowering the Justice-Involved, HVAC Program, Universal EPA Exam
We’ve all heard it: Time is money. When it comes to the HVAC industry, this is a reality. For those interested in becoming an EXCELLENT HVAC technician, check out HVAC Technical Academy as our 6-week intensive HVAC workshops will get you there (and EPA 608 Certified)...
by Danny | Jan 5, 2024 | Alternative to Incarceration, HVAC Program, HVAC Training, Reentry
In our HVAC workshop at HVAC Technical Academy and 2nd Chance University, we ask every student to make a video as part of their requirements. Take a few minutes and check out our December graduate videos: Now is the...
by Danny | Dec 18, 2023 | 2nd Chance University: Empowering the Justice-Involved, HVAC Program, HVAC Training, Second Chance, Universal EPA Exam
Participants never know what our “learn by doing” HVAC Workshops will be from day to day. Interactive with real-world application, today was about a rooftop unit… and you missed out! Today we broke down a recently replaced RTU. This large two-compressor system took...
by Danny | Nov 28, 2023 | 2nd Chance University: Empowering the Justice-Involved, HVAC Program, HVAC Training, Universal EPA Exam
HVACTA takes HVAC prep and the Universal 608 EPA Certification to maximum extreme with a LEARN BY DOING approach… after all, you can’t have one without the other. Now is the perfect time to become HVAC ready in just SIX WEEKS: Results come from doing… and that’s...
by Danny | Oct 6, 2023 | 2nd Chance University: Empowering the Justice-Involved, HVAC Program, HVAC Training, Universal EPA Exam
HVAC and EPA 608 Universal Certification We take HVAC prep and the Universal 608 EPA Certification to maximum extreme… after all, you can’t have one without the other. Now is the perfect time to become HVAC ready Six-week adult workshop, a fast track to success...
by Danny | Feb 20, 2023 | Alternative to Incarceration, HVAC Program, Universal EPA Exam
Low voltage wiring is a part of the job duties when working on AC units. Because of this, you will learn how to wire correctly and make sure you aren’t wiring something you shouldn’t be. Learn by doing the following and much more Safety comes first: Make sure breakers...