by Danny | Aug 26, 2024 | 2nd Chance University: Empowering the Justice-Involved, Universal EPA Exam
Getting all hands-on deck, today is system swap day. The past few weeks have led to this moment… success found (as well as cooling). Books to the side, Time to Get It Done Though there were a few struggles, clarity remained on focus from all. Provided are a couple...
by Danny | Aug 22, 2024 | 2nd Chance University: Empowering the Justice-Involved, HVAC Training
Sometimes there is nothing like pizza and HVAC to make learning the total package… today all shared the experience. Slicing and Learning After a quick pizza break, all headed outside to perfect brazing skills, package unit PMs, and getting to know their Fieldpiece...
by Danny | Aug 21, 2024 | 2nd Chance University: Empowering the Justice-Involved, HVAC Training, Universal EPA Exam
Serious about progressing your HVAC career, a little rain is not going to stop us… nor should it stop you. HVACTA: Rain does NOT Stop YOUR Progress Storms hit during a lesson on digital gauges, so we brought it under roof. Not too worry as once the rain subsided, each...
by Danny | Aug 19, 2024 | 2nd Chance University: Empowering the Justice-Involved, Alternative to Incarceration, Universal EPA Exam
Today is a day for HVAC recovery introductions. Little known fact (or is it?): The rock band AC/DC began in HVAC industry. One of their songs (may) have began like this… “For those about to RECOVER, we salute you!” Can you guess what word was changed? For those about...
by Danny | Aug 14, 2024 | 2nd Chance University: Empowering the Justice-Involved, Alternative to Incarceration, HVAC Training, Universal EPA Exam
We’ve reviewed just a couple details about a Heat Pump System, now it’s time to discuss thermostat control and efficiency. Heat Pump Control and Efficiency Thermostat Control: Heat pump systems are controlled by a thermostat, allowing users to set the desired indoor...
by Danny | Aug 12, 2024 | 2nd Chance University: Empowering the Justice-Involved, Alternative to Incarceration, HVAC Training, Universal EPA Exam
Recognizing one of the essential talents HVAC technicians MUST have is in the field of brazing, we get flames on and jitters out of the way fast. They Call Me Mr. Braze Not bad for a first time… or is it? All participants get involved within the skills of torch safety...