2175 Marquette Avenue, Sanford, Fl 32773, 407-878-0474
Empowering the Community by Eliminating Recidivism, Locally and Nationally
Vision: Keep hopes and dreams alive as well as empower and challenge justice-involved, our military veterans, and the disenfranchised to take responsibility for their actions and consequences
Mission: Provide pre/post release employment-driven and personal/professional development workshops for the justiceinvolved, our military veterans, and the disenfranchised.
2nd Chance University offers programs proven to be effective (ranging from concentrated 20-day courses to 3-, 6-, and 12-month life-changing programs). The following highlights justice involved transitional options available:
Getting Back on the Right Path
Empowering the 12 – 17-year-old
Multi-phase program customized for the 12–17-year-old regaining the right path. Focusing on relationship building, trauma informed care, behavioral modification, and the Looking Glass Self-theory, graduates prepare themselves for a positive future. Programs will be modified for the “holiday” schedule and/or institutional need.
Adjudicated Probation
An Alternative to Incarceration
18-phase program focusing on the 17-24-year-old who made a mistake. Built by those who have been incarcerated and know what it takes to regain their path, graduates are prepared for personal and professional success without the convict stigma.
Adult Pre/Post Transitional Series
Adult 360-degree reentry program for the transitioning
Developed by the justice-involved for the justice-involved, this 18-phase program takes an aggressive approach to overcoming challenges facing transitioning individuals, including community onboarding, on-the-job preparation, and relationship building. Concentrated topics include trauma informed care, attitude, letters of explanation, interviewing, self-marketing, and best practices to remain on the path.
My Success… I own it!
Developed by the justice-involved for the justice-involved, this 60-hour, two-week, program takes a realistic approach to overcoming challenges facing transitioning individuals, including community onboarding, on-the-job preparation, and relationship building. Concentrated topics include trauma informed care, attitude, letters of explanation, interviewing, self-marketing, and best practices to remain on the path.
Represent: I’m out… now what?
Single day program jump-starting the justice involved to gain professional placement, advancement within the workforce, self-worth, and confidence.
We pledge to educate, empower, and employ without discrimination or judgment.
Experiencing pre-release camps and living the life, our contributors know there are no other programs as effective,
interactive, and tangible than what is presented by 2nd Chance University.
As Chief Executive Officer, allow me a few moments to introduce how our customizable programs can bring about muchneeded
change and how joining forces will build a better tomorrow, today.
Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPRW, CPCC