With much in the news about Debary Diner, representatives from Veterans Stand Together and 2nd Chance University, both nonprofits in Central Florida dedicated to empowering our veterans and the disenfranchised, including the justice involved decided to check it out, have breakfast, and draw our own conclusions.

Debary Diner

Debary Diner sits amongst a non-impressive strip mall with Winne Dixie making the headline. Upon arrival, we noticed several guests outside, evidently waiting for their table. Walking up to the door we also noticed the following sign:

“If you voted for and continue to support and stand behind the worthless, inept and corrupt administration currently inhabiting the White House that is complicit in the death of our servicemen and women in Afghanistan, please take your business elsewhere.

God bless America and God bless our soldiers.”

Can’t lie, we were fully aware of the sign and the political views associated. To be clear, it is in support of our servicemen and women we had to make the short trip. Not holding judgment, we entered to find a crowded dining area, and, after a four-minute wait, we were seated.

By way of wall decorations, the interior honored our service men and women. Political stance aside, the Debary Diner showed only respect to our veterans. From the employees to surroundings, nothing could be clearer.

Freedom of Speech

For those in agreement, disagreement, or indifferent to the Debary Diner views, one must respect their right to express how they feel, and the manner demonstrated. Freedom of speech is one of many qualities defining America as the greatest county in the world, and I am pleased local shops are not afraid to partake in their freedom to speak.

2nd Chance University / Veterans Stand Together

For those interested in who 2nd Chance University and Veterans Stand Together are all about, I encourage you to visit our websites for more information.