If you have not checked out the previous submission, you may feel a
bit out-paced. Either way, here goes the second part as the journey to a
Non Profit continues…
Since 2012 I’ve expanded our non-profit to support three justice-involved categories:

- Youth reintegration and empowerment
- Adult alternatives to incarceration
- Pre- and post- release from incarceration
Six years later, our 4-month, 18-book, series/interactive workshops,
are launching mainly because this once 16-year old softball player saw
people in La Tuna as people… not as monsters… just people who made a mistake and needs to regain balance and Hope.
Over the years, this journey has had a personal cost of over six figures… the amount returned to cover? Zero… not one cent.
Worth it? You tell me, would you sacrifice years and over six figures
with only Hope to make a positive difference in lives, families, and
the world?
In this regard, will share participant journeys and how their lives change as we grow.
We are a 501 (C) (3) on the brink of great things… let me know if you
would like to share in this journey; your insight, contacts, support,
and donations are appreciated.
2nd Chance University is a non-profit designed for our
youth as well as our adult population who have stumbled to regain their
Commitment, Hope, and Empowerment.
If you chose to share or support, email me directly at
dhuffman@2ndChanceUniversity.org and if you or a family member played
softball years ago while at La Tuna, thank you for letting me into your
Danny Huffman