2nd Chance University is a non-profit organization focusing on youth and adults who victoryhave stumbled. Presently we are reaching out to those with a strong desire to make their community safer by offering youths and young adults an alternative to incarceration. This is where we need your help to implement effective programs in a partnership capacity.

Simply put, our 3, 6, and 18-month life-changing programs work, are scalable, and are cost effective.

Through the guidance of criminal justice administrators, facilitators, parole officers, inmates and parolees, 2nd Chance University brings intensive and interactive workshops for three audiences:

1. Youth Reintegration and Empowerment offering the 14 – 17 year old who has fallen off their path a proactive method to regain Commitment, Hope, and Empowerment. This program works in unison with brick and mortar facilities and is customized to parallel with academic goals and objectives of the facility and state.

2. Adult Alternatives to Incarceration allowing the 17 – 24 year old low-level offender to reestablish their path to freedom and success. This program affords Judges and District Attorneys to have an option from incarceration for those who have made a mistake.

3. Adult pre- and post-release brings reality front and center. Constructed by former convicts who have been through pre- and post-release programs, game-playing is not part of the equation. There are no more effective programs to show convicts what it takes to stay on the path, to secure and keep a job, and to become a productive part of the community.

  • Each program follows a similar core format:
    Turn-key ready
    Hard print and/or digital friendly
    Eighteen book courseware with an additional facilitator guide
    Individualized train-the-trainer two-day seminar held at our local headquarters in Sanford, Florida, or can be brought to your facility for group advantage.

Personally going through release camps and living the life, many of our contributors know there are no other programs as effective, interactive, and tangible than what is presented by 2nd Chance University.

Our classroom setting in Sanford, Florida handles up to 26 students and is also used for facilitator training workshops.

At your convenience, call for a deeper understanding of what and who 2nd Chance University is and how joining forces will build a better tomorrow, today.

Danny Huffman

2cu transparent logo Contact us at (407) 878-0474

HVAC TA Logo with Yellow Letering

We Have A New Partner!

2nd Chance University has partnered with HVAC Technical Academy.

To learn more about opportunities at HVAC Technical Academy click on the HVAC TA Logo

Alternative to Incarceration

alternative to incarceration

Pre and Post Release

pre and post release

Your Employment

youth empowerment

Evidence-Based Proven

Evidence-Based Results


I am so proud of myself!!! Couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do. I did grow enormously!!   Lou


Dear Mr. Huffman; I am speechless! I want to thank you so much for your help and support and also to push me to the limit. 

Thank you a thousand times!

Sincerely, Carolina Mancipe


I have three job offers as of this morning! Just not sure which direction I want to go. They all told me to let them know by next week!”

CFJI Graduate Linnette


Matt Darby Volunteer & Resource Coordinator   Zeynep Portway  (December 2014) via Central Florida Jobs Initiative “I wanted to let you know that I have accepted a position with Starlight. I know the education and confidence that your program instilled in me was the key factor for me getting this job.”

From a recent program graduate.


2nd Chance University hits the mark by developing programs for the justice involved centering around trauma informed care, respect, and empathy.”

Scott Matthew, MBA Executive Director,

Juvenile Services / Williamson County, Texas


I was at work when I got your message… I was doing the “happy dance” at my desk…  🙂 Thanks for being a great mentor  !!!!

Elsa De Jesus