Last time we stopped abruptly in the middle of Steven’s story, time to check out how his CHE Quotient — not too worry, for those not in the CHE Quotient know, you will soon.
Looking at the numbers, Steven had no chance…but you can’t always bet on the numbers…
What Steven had to learn was that he was a unique person with value. That he deserved a better future. That he could actively choose a different path than the one he had walked since his youth.

His lesson started there: by restoring hope, developing empowerment,
and bolstering the commitment necessary to change one’s life.
Recognizing his own potential and aware that failure (a return to
prison) wasn’t an option, Steven committed himself to embracing these
lessons and became one of our human element successes.
For Steven, 1 + 1 = SUCCESS!
“I had felonies in my background and I couldn’t get a job. You
helped me overcome them in my interviews and become a man of integrity.
Now I have a job! Thank you!”
Steven isn’t a number or a statistic, he’s a person. He’s a person
who won’t be an inmate ever again. He’s a person able to find employment
despite his past. He’s a person with the hope and skills to make his
bright future real.
Speaking of numbers, his CHE Quotient doubled to 3.8, and that’s a number one can be proud of.
For the politicians and haters, statistics and numbers have their
uses, but they don’t provide the whole picture. That’s why we measure
numbers by lives changed: nothing else matters.
I invite you to join in—send your human element short story for
publication consideration. Together, we will build a force and make a
2nd Chance University is a non-profit dedicated to the
socially invisible, those justice-involved seeking a journey of wonder
and amazement.
1 + 1, what does it add up for you?
Richard Milaschewski