Youth Empowerment
Empowered youths find inner strength, commitment to remain on their path, hope for a future where personal and professional dreams can become true, and a psychological shift where empowerment defines their path.
The number of youths involved in our justice

- Locking up a juvenile costs states (meaning you and I) an average of $407.58 per person per day and $148,767 per person per year when the most expensive option is used, according to a new report by the Justice Policy Institute.
- Average daily cost with 2nd Chance University $10.00 per person (an extreme
savings as our youth regain their path)
Juveniles in the justice system are at a crossroad. As generational parents, we are tasked to provide proper guidance, support, care, and a means to personal and professional progression.
Without the right attitude, self-belief, proper tools to succeed, and a positive vision for their future, most are destined to wrong choices and recidivism.

Ultimately, each juvenile freed from becoming a repeat offender is another adult who will not be institutionalized in the future.